Publications & Reports
Selected Published Articles
Enhancing remote parent-child video visits during parental incarceration using IMMERSIVE, a brief mindful relational savoring intervention.
Kerr, M., Charles, P., Pritzl, K.†, Jensen, S.†, Krishnan, C. A.†, Ylizaliturri, V.†, & Poehlmann, J. (2024). Enhancing remote parent-child video visits during parental incarceration using IMMERSIVE, a brief mindful relational savoring intervention. Mindfulness, 15, 3080-3094. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12671-024-02415-5
Assessment of Feasibility and
Acceptability of the Pathways for
Parents After Incarceration Program
Charles, P., Muentner, L., Grade, G., Eddy, J. M. (2023) Assessment of Feasibility and Acceptability of the Pathways for Parents After Incarceration Program. Family and Community Health. 46(): p S52-S65, October/December 2023. DOI: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000375
Supported Remote Video Visits for Children with Incarcerated Parents in the United States
Charles, P., Kerr, M., Jensen, S., Kaitlyn, P., & Poehlmann, J. (2023). Supported remote video visits for children with incarcerated parents in the United States. Current Issues in Criminal Justice, 35(4), 454–474. https://doi.org/10.1080/10345329.2023.2209302
Parent-Child Contact during Incarceration: Predictors of Involvement among Resident and Nonresident Parents Following Release from Prison
Charles, P., Muentner, L., Gottlieb, A., & Eddy, J. M. (2023). Parent-Child Contact during Incarceration: Predictors of Involvement among Resident and Nonresident Parents Following Release from Prison. Social Service Review, 97:1, 169–213. https://doi.org/10.1086/723450
Incarcerated During a Pandemic: Implications of
COVID-19 for Jailed Individuals and Their Families
Charles, P., Muentner, L., Jensen, S., Packard, C., Haimson, C., Eason, J., & Poehlmann, J. (2022) Incarcerated During a Pandemic: Implications of COVID-19 for Jailed Individuals and Their Families, Corrections, 7:5, 357-368, DOI: 10.1080/23774657.2021.2011803
Father Involvement in the First Year After Prison: Considerations for Social Work Intervention Research
Charles, P., Frankham, E., Garthe, R. C., Visher, C. A., & Kay, A. L. (2021). Father Involvement in the First Year After Prison: Considerations for Social Work. Research on Social Work Practice, 31(8), 797–813. https://doi.org/10.1177/10497315211022806
Lessons From the Field: Developing and Implementing an Intervention for Jailed Parents and Their Children
Charles, P., Kerr, M., Wirth, J., Jensen, S., Massoglia, M. and Poehlmann-Tynan, J. (2021), Lessons From the Field: Developing and Implementing an Intervention for Jailed Parents and Their Children. Fam Relat, 70: 171-178. https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12524
A Qualitative Exploration of Reentry Service Needs: The Case of Fathers Returning From Prison
Muentner, L., & Charles, P. (2020). A qualitative exploration of reentry service needs: The
case of fathers returning from prison. Child and Family Social Work, 25(S1), 63-72. Special Issue: Parenting Across Diverse Contexts: Illuminating the Voices of Mothers, Fathers, and
Children. https://doi.org/10.1111/cfs.12714
Supporting Parents and Children During Incarceration: Evaluation of the Parenting Inside Out Program in Wisconsin.
This brief examines the implementation and evaluation of Parenting Inside Out (PIO-90), an evidence-based program introduced in four Wisconsin prisons through a partnership between the Wisconsin Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Board (CANPB), UW-Madison researchers, and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections (WI DOC).
Incarceration, Child Support, and Family Relationships
In this report, we examine how incarceration among non-custodial fathers may shape their involvement with their non-resident children—both relationally and financially—and how these associations may differ for White and Black fathers. We also assess the differential impacts of incarceration’s timing and length on our outcomes of interest.
Book Chapters
Development and Implementation of an Attachment-Based Intervention to Enhance Visits Between Children and Their Incarcerated Parents
Kerr, M. L. et al. (2022). Development and Implementation of an Attachment-Based Intervention to Enhance Visits Between Children and Their Incarcerated Parents. In: Krysik, J., Rodriguez, N. (eds) Children of Incarcerated Parents. Children of Incarcerated Parents: From Understanding to Impact. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84713-5_7
Incarcerated Parents and Their Children: Perspectives From the Smart Decarceration Social Work Grand
Charles, P., Epperson, M., Copeland, P., & Pettus-Davis, C. (2022). Promote Smart Decarceration. In Barth, R. P., Shanks, T. R., Messing, J. & Herbert Williams, J. (Eds.). Grand Challenges for Social Work and Society. (2nd Edition). London, Oxford. https://books.google.com/books?id=AyReEAAAQBAJ
Promote Smart Decarceration
Charles, P., Wilson, A. B., McLeod, B., Gottlieb, A., Villodas, M. (2022). Incarcerated Parents and Their Children: Perspectives from the Smart Decarceration Social Work Grand Challenge. In: Krysik, J., Rodriguez, N. (eds) Children of Incarcerated Parents. Children of Incarcerated Parents: From Understanding to Impact. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-84713-5_13